Stop Leaks Before It’s Too Late

Fire might be a homeowner’s greatest fear, but some insurance company will tell you that water is the far more common cause of property damage, even if you don’t live in an area subject to flooding. And it can come from many sources: A failing water heater, a burst pipe, a broken supply line under your sink, a clogged toilet, or even a split hose connected to your washing machine.

That is why it is critical to keep a close eye on your electrical appliances, such as a water heater, and have them repaired by contacting a popular Water Heater Repair company in your area. While noise from a water heater is normal, sounds like humming, knocking, screeching, or tapping should be investigated to rule out the need for repairs or replacement parts.

Just as it’s essential to have a smoke detector in each of your home’s bedrooms and common areas, you’d be wise to install leak detectors in places where water damage could start: The laundry room, water heater closet, the bathroom, under your kitchen sink, and so on. Most plumbers are able to install leak detectors and if you don’t already know a reliable plumber, simply search ‘plumber near La Cañada Flintridge‘ or wherever you live. It’s always better to be safe than sorry and if you do notice a leak somewhere in your home, it’s vital that you get it fixed as soon as possible.

Leaks need to be treated with urgency no matter where they come from or how they are caused. There are quite a lot of emergency plumbing services that could help you in this regard. This leak should be treated as soon as possible as dampness or waterlogging can result in mold growth. Although mold isn’t always visible, it can still seriously harm your home and health. You would then be required to look for mold damage restoration services that can help in clearing the mold and restoring the water damage.

Water shut-off devices are installed by a plumber directly onto your water line, a flow-based water leak detection device monitors the flow of water throughout your home. If an unusual activity or flow of water is detected – probably caused by a leak somewhere in your plumbing or pipes – the device will alert you first and then shut off your water supply to help minimize damage.

Many insurance companies also offer a break on your home insurance if you install water leak detection systems. A one-time investment can end up paying for itself over time.

Tips to Avoid Finacial Stress

Whether you worry about contracting COVID-19 or not, chances are you share in the financial stress felt by millions during the last few months.

There are steps you can take today to help put some of your fears to rest. But first, a look at why controlling stress is important.

Tips to manage stress

In the case of the pandemic, the CDC suggests strategies for relieving stress. These include meditating, volunteering, taking breaks from reading the news, eating well, exercising, and using counseling or therapy services if needed.

If you are currently experiencing cash flow challenges and haven’t done so already, reach out to your creditors, and any other financial institution with whom you do business to discuss payment leniency.

The financial checkup

Your next move is to review the money that comes in and goes out every month to make sure you have a firm handle on your cash flow situation to possibly uncover some ways to reduce expenses.

Investors should ensure that their portfolios are well-balanced and reflect their financial goals, time horizon, and risk tolerance. Many investors rely on guidance from a financial professional.

Retirees can create dependable income streams (Annuities, Pensions, in addition to Social Security) to help shelter themselves from volatility. Those in the accumulation phase can establish an emergency fund of 3-6 months worth of expenses held in cash.

While it’s critical to review your financial position, it’s imperative to also address your risk management and estate planning needs.

This includes Disability Insurance, to protect your income if you become too ill or injured to work. If you have coverage through your employer, make sure you’re absolutely certain how the plan works – what % of your income it would replace (60% is most common but can be less) and if it would be taxable. The last thing you need at that point is an unpleasant surprise.

Life insurance is also of critical importance, to protect those who are financially dependent upon you. Be sure to review the coverage you have in place (if any) and make sure it’s up to date. Many times, people set up coverage early on, but don’t update it as life events occur, such as marriage, children, buying a house, etc.

The same concept pertains to updating the beneficiary designations on your retirement accounts, insurance policies, and address overall Estate Planning needs.

Being proactive with your finances puts you back in the driver’s seat, which may not solve all your immediate challenges, but can reveal a path forward to restoring financial wellness and help to manage stress.

5 Summer Wellness Tips

Summer is an exciting time of the year that is typically filled with cookouts, outdoor activities, and other events. To promote a happy, healthy summer, try following these five wellness tips:

  1. Drink plenty of water. Dehydration in the summer months can make you more susceptible to heat exhaustion and heatstroke. To avoid symptoms of dehydration such as dizziness, weakness, and fatigue, try to drink at least eight to ten glasses of water throughout the day.
  2. Watch what you eat at summer cookouts. Common cookout foods like burgers and hot dogs are full of fats that can make you feel lethargic. Sticking to lighter more refreshing foods like fish, pasta salads and watermelon can give you more energy while still satisfying your appetite.
  3. Protect yourself from the sun. Protect yourself from the harmfulness of UV rays by wearing protective clothing, staying in shaded areas during the sun’s highest points (from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.) and using a sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15. It may also be a good idea to install an air conditioner (get in touch with professionals from so that you don’t have to worry about sweating at all times.
  4. Exercise safely outside. Exerting high amounts of energy in the heat raises your body temperature, making you more at risk for heat exhaustion and stroke. Make sure to drink lots of water, wear breathable clothing and have healthy snacks to fuel your body.
  5. Take a vacation to prevent burnout. Reduced productivity, exhaustion and decreased engagement are all symptoms of burnout. Taking time away from your work responsibilities to get your mind and body in check is essential to keep up work performance and overall health.

Workers Compensation and COVID-19 Related Furlough Payments:

The Massachusetts Division of Insurance recently approved a new classification that will exempt COVID 19 related furlough payments to employees from Workers Compensation payroll. This means that furlough payments will not count as payroll when used to determine Workers Compensation premium. There are some very specific qualifiers for this program:

  1. The insurance carrier needs to be notified immediately if you intend to request that furlough payments be exempt from Workers Compensation payroll. We can assist you with this process. This new rule was approved on July 17th and insurance carriers need to be notified within 60 days of that date.
  2. Employers must have records listing furloughed employees, their normal Workers Compensation classification, weekly wage, furlough date and anticipated return.
  3. Furlough payments made between March 1st and December 30th are eligible. The program expires as of December 31st 2020.

Many other states have adopted similar provisions to exempt furlough payments from Workers Compensation payroll. Please contact your representative immediately if you believe that your policy will qualify for this program.

Time For Spring Home Maintenance?

Over winter houses are subjected to all types of bad weather and poor conditions during the cold dark months. There are many things that you as a homeowner might want to consider attending to once the warmer seasons come back around. Whilst there might be some tasks such as inspecting the roof or painting the exterior of your home, which could be done with possible assistance with tools potentially found on websites similar to or equipment that might be found in local handyman stores. Here is a list of places where you the homeowner can get started in preparing your house for the summer.

You may want to start with simple spring cleaning tasks:

  • Change and/or service your furnace filters, HVAC, smoke, and CO detector batteries. If needed, hire professionals providing services in HVAC Greensboro, or elsewhere, to give your appliances and systems, the professional check or maintenance they need. Perhaps, now is also a good time to see whether you need to get more heating oil ordered from somewhere like after the winter months
  • Deep-clean your oven, dishwasher, coffee maker and outdoor grill, as well as drapes, upholstery, cabinets, floors, vents and baseboards
  • Clean your mudroom, garage and outbuildings, and, in the process, inventory items that need replacing
  • Look at any roofing or water related problems that you might have, and get it repaired by professionals similar to the professional Florida Southern Roofing services in Sarasota, FL (or wherever you might reside)

You can always fall back on the internet to provide you the right information in regards to this domain. Check out the Chubb Insurance brochures: How to Prepare your Home and Garden for Spring and Summer infographic or their Top 10 Spring Cleaning Tasks for more ideas and tips. Also, it’s important to remember there are common household cleaning products you should never mix, such as bleach and ammonia or bleach and rubbing alcohol. Learn more.

Then tackle more involved home maintenance inventory projects.

We can all use a little help keeping track of the home maintenance projects we need to do, and now there’s software and technology that can help.

With the HomeZada app, you can manage your home and projects, keep a digital inventory of your photos, receipts, and documents, create a home maintenance schedule program, and manage remodeling projects. HomeZada generally charges $60/year, but Chubb PRS clients are eligible for a rate of $45/year. Click here to get HomeZada now.

Stay safe in the process.

Cleary Insurance wants to make sure you and your family stay safe and healthy. Only handle projects yourself that you feel you’re truly qualified to do. You may be better off leaving projects with electrical components or those at heights, for example, to professionals who have the right equipment and skillset.

Simple Ways to Improve Your Health

Get Active:

Did you know that exercising regularly could help you fight off chronic conditions and diseases? Exercise can help control your blood pressure, blood sugar and weight, raise your “good” cholesterol, and prevent diseases such as colorectal cancer, heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. If you’re ready to get active, keep the following tips in mind:
  • Get at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity (e.g., briskly walking) or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic activity (e.g., running) every week.
  • Incorporate muscle-strengthening exercises at least two days a week.
  • Avoid injuries by doing the following three steps each workout:
    • Warm up: Warming up allows your body time to adjust from rest to activity. Always remember to gradually increase the intensity of your warmup to reduce stress to your bones, muscles and heart.
    • Cool down: As with warming up, cooling down should include movements similar to those in your workout, but at a gradually decreasing level of intensity.
    • Stretch: After cooling down, stretching helps to build flexibility and range of motion. When stretching, remember to use gentle, fluid movements and to breathe normally.

    After an active and aggressive workout, however, it is equally necessary to take shower in order to feel fresh again. You can also elevate your bathing experience and the relaxation it gives by including CBD based bath salt or soap (click here to by some) in your shower routine.

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Getting enough sleep isn’t always possible, but inadequate sleep is a bigger problem than you may think. Getting an adequate amount of sleep is vital to staying healthy and avoiding fatigue, which is why those who often suffer from insomnia consider ingesting CBD capsules or pills (perhaps bought from Blessed CBD and its likes) to ease their mind and get a good night’s sleep. Remember that fatigue causes drowsiness, moodiness, loss of energy, inability to focus, and lack of motivation and alertness, which can, in turn, cause decreased productivity and even be a safety hazard. Hence, aim for seven to eight hours of sleep each night. Even if it means rearranging your schedule, make sleep a priority.
If you are struggling to fall asleep or have a delayed sleep wake disorder or something similar, try the following tips:
  • Maintain healthy habits, such as eating nutritiously, exercising regularly, managing your stress levels and not smoking-all of which will help you sleep better at night and give you more energy throughout the day.
  • Create and stick to a sleep routine. Go to bed and wake up around the same time each day, including on weekends. Make sure your bedroom is at a comfortable temperature and is quiet. Engage in a relaxing activity prior to bedtime such as listening to soft music or smoking cannabis (head to mmj express or like websites to find some premium strains).
  • Limit caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, large meals and rigorous exercise within a few hours of bedtime.

Eating 101

Eating a well-balanced diet is key to maintaining your health. In fact, improving your diet could help you live longer and reduce the chances of developing costly chronic diseases. Keep the following tips in mind when you’re getting started on your healthy eating journey:
  • Get a personalized eating plan. Speak with your doctor to develop a plan that will give you the amounts of each food group you need daily. Your doctor may recommend you seek out a registered dietician or nutritionist to create the best plan for you.
  • Set realistic goals. You are more likely to succeed in reaching realistic goals when you make changes gradually. Start with small changes.
  • Balance your plate with a variety of foods. Fifty percent of your plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables, 25 percent with lean meat, poultry or fish, and 25 percent with grains.
  • Eat slowly. It takes between 15-20 minutes for your brain to get the message that your body is getting food. When your brain gets this message, you may stop feeling hungry.
  • Practice portion control. A portion is the amount of food you choose to eat. Talk with your doctor or visit the United States Department of Agriculture’s website to learn more about proper portion sizes and daily food intake customized to your age, gender and activity level.
Please speak with your doctor if you have questions about fitness programs and/or healthy eating or how you can get started. If these tips do not help you sleep better, or you suspect you have a sleep disorder such as sleep apnea or insomnia, see your doctor.

Financial Moves to Consider During the COVID-19 Pandemic


The COVID-19 outbreak has spurred an economic crisis as well as a health-related one. Millions of Americans are now unemployed, frightened, and wondering how they’ll pay their bills in the coming weeks or months. And while it’s a scary time to be living through, there are a few moves you can make to protect yourself financially.

  1. Boost Your Emergency Fund (if possible) – Having emergency savings is crucial at all times, but it’s especially important during periods like this, when unemployment is rampant and economic uncertainty abounds. A solid emergency fund is one with enough money to cover three to six months of essential living expenses, and right now, it certainly wouldn’t hurt to hit the higher end of that range. If you’re still working, use your paycheck to pad your savings — especially if you don’t have three months of expenses in the bank.
  2. Leave Your Stock Portfolio Alone – The stock market has been swinging lately, and while it may be tempting to cash out investments to avoid further losses, doing so will only lock in any losses you’re already looking at. Rather than go that route, remind yourself that if you sit back and ride things out, the stock market is likely to recover in time. That said, you don’t have to leave your stock portfolio alone if what you’re doing is buying more stocks. Now’s a great time to invest in quality companies whose stock is on sale, so if you’re good on the emergency savings front, you can use your spare cash to add to or diversify your portfolio.
  3. Keep Putting Money Away For Retirement – When the prospect of unemployment looms over you, you may not give a hoot about what your finances will look like 20, 30, or 40 years from now. But just as now’s a good time to add to your stock portfolio, so too is it a good time to keep funding your 401(k) or IRA, provided you’re financially able to do so. The money you invest in that account now can be used to score discounted investments that could grow exponentially over time.
  4. Apply For a Home Equity Line of Credit – Even if you’re still working today, you never know whether the ongoing crisis will force you out of a job. And if you’re already unemployed, it could take quite a long time to secure a paycheck again. As such, having access to extra money is crucial, so if you’re low on emergency savings but own a home, it could pay to apply for a home equity line of credit. That way, you’re not borrowing money you immediately accrue interest on, as would be the case with a home equity loan. Rather, you’re giving yourself the option to borrow as you need to.

A final thought: The most important thing to do now is take a deep breath and resist the urge to panic. Panic leads to irrational thinking, which leads to poor financial decisions.  The COVID-19 pandemic is a terrible and frightening situation. There’s uncertainty surrounding how long the outbreak will last, how bad it will get, and many other variables. But we will get through it. So make some smart and rational financial decisions and focus on what’s really important — your health and the health of the people you care about.


Works Cited
Backman, Maurie. “5 Smart Financial Moves to Make During the COVID-19 Outbreak.” The Motley Fool, 7 Apr. 2020, Accessed 7 May 2020.
“Coronavirus and Your Finances: Here’s How to React.” The Ascent, 13 Mar. 2020,

HR Compliance Bulletin: IRS Issues Guidance on Tax Credits for Coronavirus Paid Leave

Small and midsize employers may begin using two new refundable payroll tax credits to obtain reimbursement for the costs of providing coronavirus-related leave to their employees, the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) announced on March 20, 2020.

This relief is provided under the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (the Act), which was enacted on March 18, 2020. The Act provides funds for employers with fewer than 500 employees to provide paid leave, either for their employees’ own health needs or to care for their family members. The Act aims to help employers keep workers on their payrolls while ensuring that workers are not forced to choose between their paychecks and the public health measures needed to combat the coronavirus (COVID-19).

This Compliance Bulletin provides the DOL and IRS’ guidance.

HR Compliance Bulletin: Guidance on Tax Credits for Coronavirus Paid Leave

If you have any questions or would like additional information please contact our office at 617-723-0700.

Risk Management During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Most of us are now working from home, but everyone at Cleary Insurance is still available to assist you with your insurance and risk management needs, as are all the insurance carriers we represent. We will still meet with you if required, but we strongly encourage all communication to be via email or telephone.

In this past week, we have fielded many inquiries from our clients, and the areas of greatest concern appear to be the following:

  1. Health Insurance: routine doctor and dentist office visits have all been cancelled or postponed, as has any elective or non-emergency surgery. This is being done both to stem the spread of the coronavirus, and to prepare for the anticipated need for hospitals to adequately respond to patients with COVID 19.  Health insurance carriers have also eliminated co-pays, deductibles, and co-insurance for all coronavirus related testing, procedures, and treatments.
  2. Loss of Income/Business Interruption Insurance: Many clients have asked if this coverage applies to the current pandemic, and the unfortunate answer is no. Lawsuits are being filed in New Orleans, legislation has been introduced in New Jersey, and industry associations are lobbying Congress to pass Terrorism-like insurance relief funds, but as of now, there is no such coverage available.
  3. Cyber Liability: In the past three months, over 4,000 domain names have been registered with the terms “Corona” or “Covid”. Hackers will be looking to exploit employees working from home with phishing emails, knowing that new procedures at work, combined with improper (or non-existent) firewalls, will provide easy prey for these scams. Please be vigilant and on the lookout for such fraudulent emails.
  4. Workers Compensation: Workers Compensation cases relating to COVID 19 illness will be determined on a case to case basis. A worker becoming sick from the flu is not typically covered under Workers Compensation. In order to be covered, it must be demonstrated that the illness was contracted as a direct result of employment, with a greater risk than that from the general public. A health worker treating flu patients could fall into this category, but such would not apply to most occupations.

As always, we welcome your questions, emails, and calls. We will also be updating our postings to make sure that we provide the best risk management advice to our clients during these turbulent and unnerving times.

While You Are Away, Cybercriminals Will Prey

Travel seems to be on everyone’s calendar this winter. If that’s the case for you, safety and security are likely uppermost on your minds today. So great is the concern that 72% of U.S. travelers said they would pay more for their vacation if they could ensure greater security, according to a recent survey by Travelzoo. What travelers may not realize is that cybercrime is now as much a threat, if not more, than conventional dangers.

Whatever your travel plans, you should be aware of the following safety and security issues:

A Safe-Travel Cyber Checklist

Don’t discuss travel plans on social media.  Social media is great for keeping family and friends informed about your travels, but sharing can backfire if cybercriminals find out when you are away and burgle your home. Do not post travel dates or itineraries, and warn your children not to share their own or your travel plans — and never to reveal when no one is home.

Be wary of public Wi-Fi. You should always use secure connections when going online in public places. If you have to use an unsecured connection, never check bank balances, login to credit card or other accounts, or share important personal information. This information can easily be stolen over an unsecure network. Also, turn off Bluetooth and other connectivity features when in a public area, as these features can be just as vulnerable as Wi-Fi.

Be careful getting cash and making payments. Be cautious of where you make payments or get cash, since these are the key access points for identity theft among cybercriminals. Using ATMs at a bank branch is safer than using standalone ATMs, and using a credit card for merchandise purchases is safer than using a debit card, which provides direct access to a bank account. You should be sure that your liability policy has identity theft coverage.

Turn off home computers. Many people leave their computers on as a matter of habit, but always-on computers are more susceptible to hacking.

Back up all data. Storing all sensitive files in a secure facility on the cloud is recommended, as is backing up data onto a removable storage device that can be kept in a home safe.

Change passwords. If you are taking an iPhone on your trip, we suggest you change your Apple ID password to something long and difficult to hack. Also remove credit card information associated with your Apple account and turn on the lock-screen passcode. That way, if your phone is lost or stolen, little information can be accessed. Also turn on the “Find My Phone” feature, which can help you find a misplaced or stolen device and the information stored on it.

Register for the Smart Traveler program. The State Department’s Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) at is a free service that allows citizens traveling abroad to enroll their trip with the nearest U.S. embassy. Enrollment enables embassies to reach travelers in an emergency, as well as help family and friends contact the travelers.

Protect the home while away.  If you will be gone for any period of time you should take the following steps to protect their homes from cybercriminals:

  • Alert the home alarm provider so they will know the house is vacant; ask their alarm company if they offer an encryption tool for their home security system to make it less vulnerable to hackers.
  • Disconnect the garage door opener and lock it manually to protect from criminals who can crack the electronic code.
  • Unplug any devices or appliances connected to the internet.