6 Productivity Tips for Hybrid Employees

Hybrid work is a big departure from the traditional work arrangement. Switching between two workplaces may be a change, but it doesn’t need to cause your productivity to decline. Here are some tips to consider that may help boost your productivity as a hybrid employee.

Maximize Your Schedule.
Home and office environments are different. Plan tasks based on where you’ll be working. You may find tasks that require focus are best at home while collaborative tasks and meetings are better suited for the office. Different locations may spur creativity and focus in different ways.

Maintain a Consistent Schedule.
Your schedule at home should be consistent with your office schedule. Blocking your calendar each week can help you stay productive and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Mirror Your Office Setup at Home.
Maintain the same organization at home that you use in the office. Keep your items in the same place on your desk. Consider which items are worth having at each location and which ones are worth shuttling between workplaces. This will save you time each day.

Leverage Technology.
Using technology, such as digital communication, project management tools and cloud-based platforms, can make it easier to jump into any project and stay productive from wherever you work.

Continue Communicating With Your Manager and Co-workers.
Hybrid work may cause you to miss out on key information or lose focus of your manager’s expectations. Using company communication channels and regularly checking in with your manager and peers can help you stay connected and updated on the most recent information and expectations.

Connect Regularly With Your Co-workers.
Feelings of social isolation can lead to a decline in your productivity. Find creative ways to have fun with co-workers even when working remotely, like playing games or virtual happy hours. This can re-energize you and counter feelings of burnout.

While no two work environments are the same, these tips are worth considering as you build a more permanent hybrid work routine that is effective and efficient. The hybrid work model is new and evolving. Communicate with your manager about what is working and what could be improved. Make adjustments when necessary, and when issues arise, keep trying.